
软件问答 2022.12.03 202





KylaKnightley, Gordon Ramsay and JK Rowling have dropped out of the top100 rankings altogether, while last year's highest placed Briton, David Beckham, has slipped from fifth to28th.






Kyla的《Someone》 歌词




Musiq Soulchild - Someone

I never wanted a woman that wanted

Me for my name or material things see

I always hope for a woman that's so sure,

emotionally secure with spiritual faith

A woman that I can trust with all of my secrets

And even listen to all of my issues

A woman who never judge

Me or how I was

She deals with me strictly through love

Someone who will put up with the things

Loving me can bring

But still be there to see us through

Someone who would put up with the strange

and complicated things

Cause I would do the same for her too

Someone who I can be real with

Aint gotta be perfect

Because loving one another is all that matters

It's not hard to explain

So believe me when I say

That I found all of that in you

All that I hope for a friendship that's so pure

A girl I can talk to bout whatever is on my heart

A woman that needs me

That trust and believes me

That wont take my kindness as some kind of weakness

A woman who bares her soul who is willing to let go

That wants me to lead her but knows how to take control

And when I am feeling down

Cause things are going wrong

She fills me up and makes me feel strong

Someone who will put up with the things

Loving me can bring

But still be there to see us through

Someone who would put up with the strange

and complicated things

Cause I would do the same for her too

Someone who I can be real with

Aint gotta be perfect

Because loving one another is all that matters

It's not hard to explain

So believe me when I say

That I found all of that in you

You are that someone who loves me

Through all my inperfections

You know my heart is filled

with nothing but good intentions

You are the one that told me

Long as we got us

Nothing matters

You are the one that sees the joy through the pain

You are my light through the rain

Here and now

Girl I am saying

iI's you

You're my heart

It's you

Your that someone I can truly say

that I'll never find another love like you

Someone who will put up with the things

Loving me can bring

But still be there to see us through

Someone who would put up with the strange

and complicated things

Cause I would do the same for her too

Someone who I can be real with

Aint gotta be perfect

Because loving one another is all that matters

It's not hard to explain

So believe me when I say

That I found all of that in you

Someone who will put up with the things

Loving me can bring

But still be there to see us through

Someone who would put up with the strange

and complicated things

Cause I would do the same for her too

Someone who I can be real with

Aint gotta be perfect

Because loving one another is all that matters

It's not hard to explain

So believe me when I say

That I found all of that in you


Kyra [kyra] 作为一个女孩的名字发音为KEER-ah。具体的有Calla 凯拉、Cayla 凯拉、Kaela 凯拉、Kaila 凯拉、Kayla 凯拉、Kaylah 凯拉、Keira 凯拉、Kyla 凯拉等。它是希腊语起源的,Kyra的意思是“主”。






YG于2016年推出的女子演唱组合,由金智秀(JISOO)、金智妮(JENNIE)、朴彩英(ROSÉ)、LISA 4名成员组成。组合名在看起来很美的粉色中稍微加入了否定的意义,旨在传达出“不要只看漂亮的部分”的意思 。凭出道曲《WHISTLE》获得《人气歌谣》一位,创下韩国女团最快获得一位的纪录。


SM于2014年推出的女子演唱组合,起初由裴珠泫(Irene)、姜涩琪(SeulGi)、孙承欢(Wendy)、朴秀荣(Joy)4人组成,后来金艺琳(Yeri)加入。组合以一首《Happiness》出道,凭借其甜美活泼魅力迅速虏获了一批粉丝的心 ,每个成员都有着出众的容貌和才艺,她们配合轻快的音乐摆出可爱活泼的表情,展示了不一样的魅力。


GFRIEND韩国Source Music于2015年推出的女子演唱团体,由金韶情(So Won)、郑艺琳(Ye Rin)、丁恩妃(Eun Ha)、崔俞娜(Yu Ju)、黄恩妃(Sin B)、金艺源(Um Ji)六名成员组成。在竞争激烈的韩国女团舞台上主打“阳光少女”这一概念,六位成员以素颜、白色短裙和T恤展现了与她们年龄相符的装扮,音乐多是节奏欢快且朗朗上口的青春旋律,而舞蹈更是没有时下最流行的扭动扮性感的设计。


宇宙少女是Starship 与乐华娱乐于2016年推出的女子演唱组合,由金泫静(雪娥)、吴宣仪、金知妍(苞娜)、朴秀斌、秋所静(EXY)、李露朵(LUDA)、南多愿、孙珠妍(恩熙)、程潇、孟美岐、李真淑(夏天)、林多荣、俞琏静13名成员组成,其中包含3名中国成员和10名韩国成员。宇宙少女拥有清纯、可爱、活泼、等丰富多样的魅力,在演唱、舞蹈、演技等各个特定领域都有一定实力,宇宙少女凭借其清新的气质,靓丽的外形和精湛的舞蹈,深受粉丝的喜爱。


Pledis于2017年推出的女子演唱组合,由林娜荣、金敏景(Roa)、姜京元(Yuha)、郑恩宇(Eunwoo)、姜睿彬(Rena)、周洁琼(Kyulkyung)、金誉媛(Yehana)、裵成嬿(Sungyeon)、朴施妍(Xiyeon)、Kyla(카일라)10名成员组成。十位成员有着不同的个性色彩与清新可人的魅力 ,还有着清纯的魅力与姣好的身材 。她们十足的青春气息、活泼可爱的魅力与性感十足的舞蹈,也令人印象深刻 。

